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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a relatively new and under utilized technology. It is under utilized due to limited insurance coverage for the test. Many people have heard about the so-called "camera pill" but do not know when it can or should be done, or how it works. Many mistakenly believe that it might be a substitute for colonoscopy, a flexible lighted tube with a camera on the tip used to examine the large intestine. Colonoscopy is recommended to screen for colon cancer and the precursor of colon cancer, colon polyps, as well as a diagnostic exam for evaluation of intestinal bleeding, diarrhea or lower abdominal pain. WCE is not yet technically feasible for examination of the lower or large intestine known as the colon. Given Imaging was the first to develop this technology.

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

FAQ Video: ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! New episodes are posted sporadically, often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does, so the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Main Channel ----- Twitter ---------------- Facebook ----------- The World ---------- Game Time -------- Movie Night -------- FAQ Video --------- T-Shirts -------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DMC-FZ150 Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ------- • Jogwheel Productions © 2010 • ~

I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

No URL I Have Been Diagnosed With Type II Polio!

Remotely View Your Home Security Cameras From an iPhone

Home security cameras have become popular over the last few years. These home security camera systems provide customers with the ability to record exactly what happens at their home and protect their property from vandalism and theft. However, this is only the basic features of a home security camera system. When selecting a camera system, you should be looking to find out what the advanced features of the system are, so that you can select a system that will grow with you and give additional peace of mind and protection.

Remotely View Your Home Security Cameras From an iPhone

BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D

Tube. Duration : 10.47 Mins.

BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D

Having so much fun making all these videos for you guys and I hope you don't feel like I'm spamming you :( GET SHIT ON (Fly) !!! BajheeraWoW's webcam video October 2, 2011 11:38 AM

BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D

BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D

BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D

No URL BajheeraVlog - Crankin' Out Arena Vids :) - Warrior Guide + Bajquiqui on the way!:D


Some PC-Based home security camera systems and standalone DVR systems provide the ability to record from your cameras, and also remotely view over the internet. These systems connect to a DSL or Cable internet connection and provide the ability to view your cameras over the internet. Depending on the type of system, it may view directly through an internet explorer web browser, or it may have a remote client software that installs to allow remote viewing and playback. Remotely viewing your home security cameras provides you with the ability to always know what is happening at your home, so that you can have peace of mind that everything is ok. Remotely viewing cameras from a PC is becoming a more common feature of home security camera systems.

Video Camera

Remotely View Your Home Security Cameras From an iPhone

A few more advanced home security camera systems like our Alnet PC-Based DVR Systems and H.264 standalone DVR systems provide advanced remote viewing features that will even allow you to remotely record video to a PC over the internet. With these features, you can keep a backup of your video on another PC over the internet, so that if someone were to steal the DVR or DVR PC from your home, you would still have a copy of the video on an off-site location.

Remotely View Your Home Security Cameras From an iPhone


Beyond remote recording capabilities, a few home security camera systems also provide the ability to remotely view your security cameras from a PDA phone or even iPhone. There are two different types of remote viewing from an iPhone that may be available from your surveillance system. The first and most basic type of remote viewing from an iPhone is a web based application. This type of viewing uses the web browser and can give a basic view of what is happening on your cameras. It loads a JPG image from the cameras and then can refresh the page to update the image up to 1 time per second. With this remote viewing, you can view up to 4 cameras at a time, and is most popular with standalone DVR systems. The second, and more advanced remote viewing from an iPhone is an application that was designed specifically to communicate with your PC-Based DVR system. This type of system is more full-featured and can provide streaming live video, control of PTZ cameras, control of digital inputs and outputs, playback of pre-recorded video and even saving snapshots right onto your phone. These Alnet PC based systems provide the best features and functionality for iPhone users, and also have clients applications for other PDA phones like Android phones, Windows Mobile Phones, Blackberry phones and more.

Remotely View Your Home Security Cameras From an iPhone


WCE is however the only way to directly visualize the much longer and smaller diameter of the small intestine.Typical reasons for wanting to see the small intestine include unexplained intestinal bleeding, anemia (low blood count), suspected Crohn's disease, tumors, or known polyp syndromes. Of the approximately 24 feet of small intestine a person has, only the upper 1 1/2 to 3 feet can typically be reached and seen by a scope from the mouth and only the last few inches to a foot can be seen at the time of a colonoscopy exam through the rectum. It has long been thought and taught that very few serious diseases occurred in the small intestine (cancers or inflammation like Crohn's or Celiac disease) that could not be diagnosed by upper or lower endoscopy or small intestine barium x-rays. Since WCE has begun to be used more frequently, more disease has been found than was previously thought to occur.

Video Camera

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

Celiac disease is a condition that affects the small intestine that can be associated with anemia, blood loss, lymphoma and cancer of the small intestine. Typically, upper scope exams make the diagnosis but people with poor response to gluten free diet or other warning signs such as weight loss, refractory anemia, blood loss or abdominal pain in whom WCE has not been performed may harbor other serious small intestine problems including lymphoma and cancer.

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract


Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract that does not yet have a cure and is of unknown cause. It invariably involves the small intestine and often only involves the small intestine. Sometimes, the diagnosis cannot be made with conventional colonoscopy and/or intestinal x-rays. The extent of small intestine involvement is also commonly not accurately determined by x-rays. WCE is emerging as the diagnostic test of choice for Crohn's disease, especially when combined with specific blood tests and a colonoscopy.

The capsule endoscopy procedure requires little preparation. Most doctors request the patient fast overnight before coming into the clinic early in the morning. The patient has some electrical recording wires attached to the skin of the abdomen that record the location of the capsule as it passes through the digestive tract. This helps the doctor reading the video recording with interpreting where the pill camera is and if it is being delayed in an area. A video recording device is worn on a belt and wirelessly receives the video recording from the pill camera as it travels through the intestine.

The pill camera is activated by popping it out of a magnetized blister pack. It is swallowed with a glass of water. The patient is typically asked not to drink anything except water for 2 hours so that the camera pill has time to exit the stomach before being exposed to food or drink that could impair the video recording. Usually, a light lunch is allowed after four hours. At the end of the day the patient returns to the office to turn in the recorder so that the video can be downloaded to a computer for viewing by the doctor.

Once activated, the small intestine pill camera battery lasts eight hours. Since the transit time from mouth to the end of the small intestine in most people is around 2-6 hours, this is more than adequate for the entire small intestine to be video recorded. However, some people have delayed emptying of their stomach, slow intestinal transit or areas of blockage or constriction that prevent the pill camera from reaching the end of the small intestine before the battery dies. When that happens no further recordings are transmitted. If the camera pill gets stuck, surgery may be required to remove it from the body. However, if this occurs, it is usually because a condition exists in the small intestine for which surgery is the treatment of choice.

Recently, a pill camera that has the ability to record video images from both ends and more rapidly, has been approved by the FDA and marketed as an alternative to standard upper endoscopy for examination of the esophagus. It is being marketed as a very quick, painless, and accurate method of screening for acid reflux, pre-cancer and cancer of the esophagus as well as varices of the esophagus. Varices are varicose type veins occurring in the esophagus of people with cirrhosis of the liver that if not treated with medication and/or rubber band ligation can bleed spontaneously and be life threatening. Insurance coverage for such examination is limited. Others limitations include the ability to only visualize the esophagus, leaving the stomach and upper small intestine unexamined in detail, and the inability to perform biopsies of abnormal appearing tissue. However, the ease and rapidity of the test appeals to people and will likely drive the popularity forward as long as insurance companies agree to cover the test.

WCE is being tested for examination of the colon but the larger diameter of the colon, presence of stool, and longer transit time are all technical limitations that have delayed the development. Several researchers, including a team at MIT, are working on a remote controlled pill camera with the ability to sample tissues and deliver treatments. One investigator is trying to create a pill camera that reproduces the movements of a beetle, effectively crawling through the intestinal tract, stopping and backing up under robotic remote control. The future looks promising and resembles The Fantastic Voyage through the human body. Until then, WCE is very helpful and appropriate for the evaluation of certain gastrointestinal conditions and the signs and symptoms as described above.

Pill Camera Records Video of the Inside of Your Intestinal Tract

Thursday, October 11, 2012

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide


CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide

This guide is written for those who do need video security and can't afford costly installation services, or if the CCTV installer is not available in your area - the later is more common than one could think. We will cover most common security equipment types, as it is virtually impossible to go over such a wide rang of different security cameras and recording/video processing equipment available on the market.

I assume anyone considering do-it-yourself CCTV installation has basic knowledge of wiring techniques and practices. I am not to be held responsible or liable for damages to the equipment due to mishandling or misuse. Remember; during the installation always pay attention to safety. Working at heights and using tools can be dangerous, please follow all safety practices. Lets jump right to it now.

Planning: First step of any camera installation is to plan camera and monitoring equipment locations. When planning for camera locations please take in consideration light condition, never install cameras in low light room pointing straight into the sunny area it will add glare to the picture, even if your camera has back light compensation it will not be enough. Use infrared cameras for very dark conditions and/or B/W cameras with as low LUX number as possible. I am not going to discuss proper equipment selection, as this was subject of my last article.

Selecting the best possible camera locations is not easy, and will directly impact the camera views. Besides light conditions, the distance to the monitoring object is equally important. There are many different types and focal lengths of lenses; your selection will depend on light condition and distance from the camera to the monitoring object. In small rooms around 500sq. ft. cameras with standard 3.6mm lens should be OK. Keep in mind that most bullet and board type of cameras come with 3.6mm lens, the greater the distance to the monitoring object the longer focal length of the lens will be needed. There is no ease way of judging lens selection, you can eider guess or buy professional lens selector tool.. Alternatively you can start with your lens selection and if needed get longer or shorter focal length lens later. Other option as far as lens selection goes, is to use variable focus lens, which is very versatile approach and takes the guess out of the lens selection process. For those who do not know what variable focus lens is, it's basically adjustable focal length lens that will allow to change the focal length within specified range, fore example: 2.6mm - 8mm or 5mm - 50mm.

To maximize cameras coverage and get the most out of the CCTV system for least amount of money minimize number of it by placing cameras in strategic places, unless complete area coverage is needed. Avoid overlapping camera views, do not install them with source of light directly in front of it and do not place infrared cameras pointing at each other to eliminate risk of overexposure. These are the most common mistakes that need to be avoided. After the initial camera locations are predetermined, lets look at cable placement. Make sure that it is actually possible and practical to run cable to each location, if running the cable to any camera location is for some reason impossible opt-out for alternate location.

Wiring: The most time consuming and important part of any camera installation is wiring. Plan your installation carefully to minimize cable lengths and insure good quality video signal. Never run cables alongside high power electrical lines, at least 12" spacing between video cable and power lines are recommended. Keep the cable lengths below 400ft and use good quality cable, most people take the cable for granted, but it is actually very important aspect of any installation. The CCTV system is only as good as its weakest component. I usually stick with RG59U with power Coleman cable (YES it is US made) sometimes called Siamese type cable. It is combo cable and will transmit video and power, as an alternative it is sometimes possible to use less expensive RG6 standard coax cable with separate run of 18/2AWG for power.

The Siamese cable is less bulky and easer to run, distribution power supply is recommended with this type of cable as power will be supplied from common place right next to monitor and recording equipment. Using Siamese cable makes for more clean and neat installation, as only one line is required for each camera. Running RG6 cable with separate run for power is the likely solution if power outlets are available near each locations. In this case individual plug in power supplies are used to power them with power cable running as separate and independent line to the camera. Both types of cables are available at dvrexperts. When running the cable it is good practice to leave couple of loops of extra cable at both camera and monitoring locations. This extra length of cable is needed if in the future monitoring or location will have to be moved slightly. After the cable is in place, the labor-intensive part of installation is over, now we can get to the fun part of installation.

Camera mounting: Most s come with mounting screws and bracket included, attach the bracket firmly and remember that in some cases different brackets than the ones supplied with the cameras could be needed.

Attach the camera to the bracket and adjust the position approximately at this time, we will come back to it later. Typical security camera is powered by 12VDC or 24VAC and power input type is screw or push terminals or 2.1mm plug. Power connection will differ for each type of power supply and input style. Most cameras are 12VDC, in this case it is important to observe polarity or you may damage the camera. The power cable has two conductors and in most cases it will be red or white and black cable. Use the red or white for positive and black for negative terminals. If it has screw or push terminals power input connect the cable directly observing polarity, if it is 2.1mm plug, a special 2.1MM Female DC Plug with Flying Leads have to be connected to the cable again keep attention to polarity. The 24VAC connection is very similar, with one major difference - polarity is not important.

Next step will involve some special tools and accessories. We will attempt to go over installation process of BNC crimp-on video connector, I will post video demonstration of BNC crimping techniques shortly so please check the web sites mentioned in this article often.

1. Remove about 1/2-inch long outer jacket from the end of video cable exposing braid.
2. Slide the crimping barrel onto the cable with the larger diameter facing end of the cable.
3. Pull the braid backwards exposing the inner isolator material and remove 3/8-inch of it so you have now core conductor exposed.
4. The main part of BNC connector has a small hole on one side; push the exposed core conductor of the cable into that hole as far as it will go.
5. Push all the braid folded backwards in step 3 onto the BNC connector and spread the braid evenly around connector.
6. Push the crimping barrel onto the BNC connector all the way.
7. Using crimping tool, squeeze the crimping barrel onto the BNC connector, now the cable braid is compressed in between crimping barrel and BNC connector assuring secure connection.

BNC connector is on, lets hook it up now and repeat the steps for each camera, if you have purchased 16 camera system you may want to get some coffee first.

Monitor and recorder connection:

Cameras are on, its time to make final connections. I will focused on standard CCTV monitor, standalone DVR recorder and distribution power supply, as this is the most popular and likely solution for most CCTV installations.

First we have to install BNC connectors on this side as well - its time for that coffee again. It is good idea to make room for monitor and recorder now and setup some type of desk, shelf or rack to place all the equipment on.

We need the monitor and recorder in place so we can determine proper power supply location. Power supply should be mounted within couple of feet from the DVR video inputs. After power supply is secured separate the power conductors from the Siamese cable, and run it to power supply. Like we did with the cameras if 12VDC power is used, we need to watch the polarity, each terminal on the power supply is marked, so there should not be any doubt. Make sure the power supply is not plugged in to the power outlet yet.

Connect video cables to the DVR video in ports. We need one video cable to connect the DVR with the monitor, if you do not have one you may cut piece of Siamese cable separate the power conductors from it and install BNC connectors on both ends, you now have the cable. Connect the DVR monitor out port to monitor video in. We are almost ready to power up everything; there is only one more thing to take care before we do that.

We need to protect the equipment from power spikes by plugging it into power conditioner or better yet, buttery backup unit. If the installation location is experiencing frequent power outages, the backup unit is strongly recommended. To extend the backup time only plug the DVR and camera power supply to the backup unit and the monitor to regular power strip, this way if we do loose power for some time the DVR and cameras are still functioning as normal while monitor is off. Turning off monitor will not affect DVR and cameras in any way; it is actually good habit to turn the monitor of if not used to extend its life.

Power on and final adjustment: Yes... we are now ready to power it up for the first time, if this is your first installation it may be nerve-racking experience. Start with turning the cameras power supply on, turn the monitor on as well followed by DVR system. The stand-alone DVR, after self-test will show cameras or setup menu on first power up depending on your model.

To setup the DVR refer to the manual for proper settings. Go over each camera view to determine if the view is actually what you want, hardly ever it will be without additional readjustments. To properly and easily adjust the positions, the test monitor will be very handy if not essential tool. Go to each camera location and connect the test monitor to adjust the position to your preferences, if satisfied secure camera bracket adjustment screws - we will not go back to this camera anymore.

Conclusion: Congratulations! You have just completed your most likely, very first installation of CCTV system. Visit our store fore more information on surveillance cameras, DVR recorders, tools and accessories.

CCTV Camera - Do-It-Yourself Installation Guide